
We use a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to carry out generative and evaluative research with customers.

We select the most appropriate method(s) depending on the project scope, goals, timeline, and budget.

    • Interviews: in-depth conversations focused on customers' interactions with a specific feature or the product overall

    • Focus groups: in-depth interviews with cohorts of customers at a time to gauge trends and attitudes

    • Ethnography: naturalistic observation of customers to understand the context of their product use and overall workflow

    • Contextual inquiry: naturalistic observation of customers followed by in-depth interviews to gain a holistic understanding of their behavior

    • User personas: developing an archetype of ideal customers' characteristics to help guide product development

    • Concept or prototype testing: assessing the viability of different product ideas with target customers to determine market demand

    • User needs assessment: outline the main pain points, needs, and challenges that target customers experience

    • Usability testing: iterative small-scale tests to assess the effectiveness of specific experiences or features in a product

    • Design heuristics evaluation: assess how well the existing UI/UX design follows established usability and information architecture principles

    • User journey mapping: identify the path customers take to achieve their objectives and ways it can be improved

    • User story creation: outline the different scenarios that customers experience which the product must address

    • A/B testing: comparative assessment of different versions of a product to evaluate performance efficacy

    • Benchmarking: comparative assessment of the existing product to competitive products and industry standards

    • Surveys: evaluate customer satisfaction and identify opportunities for product improvements